Hey everyone and welcome to November 2014! November 1 means that we are 30 days from the launch of my book, A Black Urbanist, and we are six weeks from my birthday! In honor of the book launch and because I love writing so much, I am posting every day in November as part of National Blog Posting Month. I’m doing the challenge with BlogHer/Wordpress and another group you can find here.
In order to have some rhyme and reason, plus keep me on track, I’m posting around themes, which are as follows:
- Sundays: Inspiring People— Putting the spotlight on a friend or practitioner (or both) in the planning/architecture/community development space who I think is inspiring and worthy of regard.
- Mondays: A Black Urbanist Preview– Four central themes emerging from the book are The Market, The Commons, The Heart and The Solutions. Mondays will provide a snippet of those sections along with links to pre-order the book.
- Tuesdays: Meat!— Meat is business as usual, me choosing a subject and going in depth. For an example of meat for those of you who are new to the page, check out my last post here.
- Wednesdays: Potatoes— Potatoes is what I talked about on meat day, but with charts and graphs that either back up what I said or are very closely related and worthy of your attention. Get ready for shareable infographics.
- Thursdays: Throwback Thursday— I love history and I love the opportunity to share vintage images. My throwback Thursday here will focus on places I’ve visited and lived and what impact they had on me then and now.
- Friday: Video Friday— Videos of great places and spaces that inspire me.
- Saturday: Apartment Healing— Some of my favorite interior living spaces , especially in the vein (and probably from the vein) of Apartment Therapy.
For those of you who have been with me for the past four (or five) years, I appreciate you guys. I’m looking forward to hearing from you more. And if you are new here, I hope you enjoy our community, learn something and get inspired to take some action in your community. More about what I do here.
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