[Livestream recap] Land justice, finding an urban planning program that speaks to your values & podcast recs!

This week on Ask Kristen Anything about Gentrification for May 13, 2024, I had three wonderful questions that gave me a chance to share my tips for land liberation (Spoiler alert: one of them is investing in guaranteed housing, not just affordable housing).

Plus I shared how I would approach studying urban planning (and public administration) if I was just starting as an undergrad. I also shared other podcast recommendations and reminded everyone that I too have a podcast called Defying Gentrification.

Making Plenty Good Room with Rev. Dr. Andrew Wilkes Defying Gentrification

These are times that call on a radical belief in oneself and their community. Back in October just shortly before the US Election, I interviewed Rev. Dr. Andrew Wilkes about his book Plenty Good Room, which invites the Black Church to think beyond electon cycles and go to the root of how it can be a radical force in not just American politics, but the wellbeing of all of us as Earthlings.Yeah, timely. Unfortunately, because of the recent US Election and regime change, it took me a minute to prepare this episode for you, but it’s here now and ready. Plus, my beloved partner Les Henderson joins me for a moment of reflection on faith and will be joining me in our next few episodes.Here’s Rev. Dr. Wilkes’s bioReverend Andrew Wilkes, Ph.D., is a pastor, political scientist, writer, and contemplative. He is the co-lead, co-founding pastor of the Double Love Experience Church in Brooklyn, New York, and the former Executive Director of the Drum Major Institute, a social change organization founded by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. Wilkes is a 2022 inductee into the Martin Luther King Board of Preachers at Morehouse College and a proud alum of Hampton University, Princeton Theological Seminary, CUNY Graduate Center, and the Coro Public Affairs Fellowship. He is the author of Freedom Notes: Reflections on Faith, Justice, and the Possibility of Democracy; co-author of Psalms for Black Lives; and author of Plenty Good Room: Co-Creating an Economy of Enough for All. His writing and voice have been featured in the New York Times, Washington Post, Essence Magazine, Stanford Social Innovation Review, and Dr. Henry Louis Gates' PBS Gospel series. Dr. Wilkes is the elated husband of Rev. Dr. Gabby Cudjoe-Wilkes and lives in Brooklyn, New York.Watch PBS's The Black Church Herehttps://www.pbs.org/show/black-church/Read my recent newsletter spelling out the seven principles of Defying Gentrification (since  i forgot to put them in the episodehttps://theblackurbanist.com/this-is-my-house-and-in-it-i-get-to-defy-gentrification-my-way-all-day-every-day/Purchase from Kristen's Bookshop.org store and support the podcast! And merch and crafting classes via www.kristpattern.comNever miss an episode, subscribe to our Substack , LinkedIn, WordPress, or PattreonYou can also find Kristen @blackurbanist or @kristpattern.
  1. Making Plenty Good Room with Rev. Dr. Andrew Wilkes
  2. The Grief that Gentrification Brings
  3. Past and Present Black Migrations for Liberation with Arionne Nettles
  4. Resourcefulness and Reparations in North Carolina with Christine Edwards
  5. Kristen's Personal Gentrification Defying Playbook

Some useful links I shared:

Planners Network —


Tysir’s Salih work to break down Audre Lorde’s “masters tools” quote and relate it to three past revolutions that have failed to finish their course and have rooted existing conflicts


And a comprehensive list of mutual aid and action times compiled in their Linktree


The US Housing and Urban Development Annual Household Median Income Calculator (This is what is used to determine fair market rents and other rates of public assistance)


The books The Color of Law and Just Action (note I am a Bookshop affiliate and will get some of the proceeds from this sale)

And finally, my other sibling podcasts I mentioned today which you can also find on YouTube or your other favorite podcast players:

Queer for Cities

Urban Planning is Not Boring

Architecture is Political (Arch is Polly)

Four Degrees to the Streets


Want to get more advice from me, targeted to your situation and your growth? Book a paid session with me on Calendly and I can go even deeper on questions like this to make sure you and your community have what you need to succeed

Join us every week on Mondays at 11 am and listen in to learn and grow with me, and in the meantime, you can find me @blackurbanist on all socials or follow me Kristen Jeffers, on LinkedIN.