For those of you who were wondering what the land is like down at my grandparents, here are a few pictures from this past Easter Sunday. I missed you guys last week, but trust me, there’s a good reason coming up on why I was absent. I’m looking forward to some great discussion on the post that results in that week, but until then, I leave you with some pictures of my grandparents farm.
Just beyond the old house there is where the strawberries and corn fields were. One of my great aunts lived in this house when I was little. Later on it became family storage. Also, the grapevine I mentioned in that post was between the tree stump and the remaining tree.
I wish we owned this land just past the fence there. Next to that shed there was a section that was the green patch. Otherwise, my grandfather kept his lawn equipment there. Just to the left outside the frame is my grandparents house.(Nothing super special, average 3 bedroom 1 bath 1960’s spectacular, but the large kitchen is the heart of our family gatherings.
This is our side field. I can’t remember what was here, but now it’s a great spare yard to take advantage of high winds and fly kites, as we did this Easter. Look at my mom’s skills.
Also, check out the Facebook page. I recently had a photo shoot in Downtown Greensboro and I have a few of those photos up. Above is one that is a little too big for Facebook, but perfect for right here on the blog. Thanks again to Stephanie Eaton Photography for a great shoot
Thanks! Hope you are doing well!