Hello everybody! Had a really good time at both SynerG on Tap at Natty Greenes and Councilwoman Nancy Hoffmann’s office hours at Scuppernong Books last night, as well as playing bar trivia and coming in second place, which at Grey’s Tavern buys the table a round of drinks.
My shoutout of today goes to Cecelia Thompson, who will be assuming the lead position at Action Greensboro after five years of serving as director of projects, namely SynerG. SynerG was what helped me reconnect with my hometown as a civic-minded adult, and it continues to be a major part of my activities here in the area. Looking forward to what’s next and where the organization is going. And like my friends from The Foreign Exchange, Greensboro, and folks around Greensboro, are on the move. (Sidenote: Who can name all the Raleigh spots featured in the video?)
And like my friends from The Foreign Exchange, Greensboro, and folks around Greensboro, are on the move. (Sidenote: Who can name all the Raleigh spots featured in the video?)
So people have been asking, how can I get this information via email. If you are reading this version of the links and want to subscribe to email, email theblackurbanist@gmail.com and I will add you to the list.
And it’s links time: