Category Archives: CNU 22

CNU Post Mortem-Part 2: What I Loved


Now that we’ve dealt with the problems. lets talk about what I personally really liked at the Congress this year.

Being in a true walkable city. 

I used a motor vehicle three times, from the airport, to Silo City (which had so much of the pedestrian friendly street furniture ripped out, it was like a ghost town between there and the hotel), and back to the airport. Even when we were blocks and blocks away, even when we looked up at our watches and realized it was way past our bedtimes, we were able to walk right home, safely and in a timely manner. The walkability was a bit much on the chilly days, but on the temperate ones, it was awesome. I walk to clear my head and for exercise and it was good to get back to that, albeit briefly.

Sitting around tables, couches and bars and shooting the breeze on the things we love

This is how I knew I’d been away from the fold for two years. When I can’t turn the corner or pop into another spot on the bar crawl without running into an old friend and spending at least 2-3 hours with them. It helped that I was rooming with one, but the rest of y’all? There are still tons of people I didn’t have a proper conversation with this Congress. Note to self, start saving money for Dallas-FTW.

Ben Hamiltion-Bailie, Harriet Tregoning, everybody in the Zombie Subdivisions panel and the Graphic Design Art Room session.

When you go to conferences like this all the time, all the information runs together. It really takes a good show person to make the information come alive. I found that in all the folks that spoke above. Also, a nod to Andreas Duany for taking it back to common sense out at the Silo City. People may not have understood what was going on, but for a person who writes a lot about not just the reality but the sense of place, this was exactly what we needed to hear. And to the folks who claim Gen X was left out, I heard that whole thing the way I hear it from my elders, a boomer telling everyone who is his junior how to make things happen.

Everything that happened at the Hotel Lafyette and the Pan American Grill

Especially the Late Show. And ok, the debates were fun. However, I think we need to get someone like the lady from the interior design program that showed up to truly debate us. We are all too close of friends and of too close of mind. Also, the park was adorable. I wish I’d had more time to play with it, but my hungry belly called me inside to the Pan American on Friday night. The roundtable podcast, the films, and of course Silo City since we are talking about NextGen stuff. I want to give a huge round of applause to one Nate Hood, the entire Strong Towns collective, the First and Main/New Urban Film Festival collective, and the local Buffalo collective for the best NextGen event yet. Even over Project Lodge. Although Project Lodge needs to come back somehow. If I get the NextGen baton, I’m going to find a way. An additional shoutout to having NextGen events in the Congress book and on the app this year.

So that’s it for CNU 22. Back to the regular program next week of writing stories and sharing thoughts on how to make better places.

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CNU 22 Post-Mortem Part 1: Addressing the Criticisms


Before I talk about what I liked about specific parts of the Congress, I want to once again speak to where I see the movement going and what it needs to do to get better. This is partly in response to the open letter to new urbanism published on Sunday morning by Colin Dabkowski in The Buffalo News. This is also in response to any and everybody I’ve seen on Twitter, heard directly from on Facebook, sat with in the corners of bars and even Skyped with over the years, plus good friends and family from home, who just don’t understand what’s going on here and why it seems so elitist, sometimes racist, sometimes sexist and anything else that could be lobbied against the movement. Also, I say we because I am a card carrying-CNUer and I do feel like I’m a part of the greater movement.

We are more than the three guys that speak all the time

I was with Colin until he said that he only went to a few sessions and then wrote his story on new urbanism based on that. There was so much other stuff that happened this week. He was at Silo City, but did he have a chance to chat with anyone out there while enjoying the food trucks? I know the debates were a little deep at the NextGen night, but the Pecha Kucha was as good as any other city and had a variety of topics. Yes, the urban triage idea is in a book and it’s being touted as the next best thing. However, is that our fault? Our fault in that we as a media tend to gravitate towards the same old folks and the same old books and the same old hooks when it comes to community development and placemaking. Thankfully, there are our blogs and our papers and our libraries, all with multiple voices. Maybe we don’t all get published the way we should, but we can self publish and self promote. As this article states, a book is not a book deal. No matter what, it’s still a book.

We are taking tangible steps to deal with the diversity problem

We have board members who are women and non-white. I can’t confirm any LGBT members, but I’m sure someone is. We have people who represent all the elements of creating a built environment on the board. I saw at least 5-7 women and 20-30 men of color on the convention floor. There have been years when I’ve been one of maybe two women. Yes, the numbers are still bad, but they can get better and are getting better. As a well-known author, speaker and rabble-rouser in the movement, I will do my part to make sure we examine issues of those who are non-white, non-male, non-straight and even non-urban. Urbanism is the term, but it’s really placemaking and place maintenance that we do here. Next year, I hope we can do even more events with community groups and that we can make more free and reduced price tickets a reality for our students and long-time community workers.

You have to be willing to explore and challenge what you hear.

Despite what you might see when you view a speaker on stage, most of those folks are gentle giants at our many social gatherings. If you recognize someone at the hotel breakfast bar, please reach out and sit next to them. They may be busy, or on the move, but they really don’t bite outside of being on stage. You may however find yourself in a heated debate, but I guarantee you that you both will have learned something at the end of it all. Likewise, if you don’t like a session, feel free to leave. Architecture critique has always prided itself on being honest. In these past few years, the CNU has opened up an Open Source Congress, free of charge and available for anyone who wants to create a topic on the spot to do so. All the NextGen events, also created to allow more voices and more people in the fold, are free and this year had a very local flavor as folks on the ground pitched in to make sure we had more events and more connection to the local community.

We do need to do more outreach

I am very fond of the affinity group model that other professional and trade organizations use. Yes, I know CNU is more than just a trade organization, but we do have a formal structure and many do come to us to learn and to be guided. In addition, often-marginalized groups have a hard time engaging a situation, even when the best of intentions are made. Something that may not hurt you, may be very hurtful to someone else. This doesn’t mean we have to be pandering, but do be mindful that just because your idea makes sense in your group of bros, that it makes sense in the wider world of community development practice.

We are a roundtable, a group of friends, a salon. Yes, that means more talk and less action, but we can change that.

I want to encourage everyone to continue to debate, to raise your voices and if you think you belong at the table, pull up a chair and sit down and start speaking. If no one listens, it’s not always because your voice is invalid, it just may take a while to soak in. Somebody in that conference hall wants to hear you. Even better, the next Congress will be at multiple locations. We hope to bring that same spirit into the NextGen events and extend out to get more people at the Congress who may not normally be able to pay for a major convention or spend several days at lectures and sessions. I’m going to keep writing these posts and presenting these podcasts and telling as many stories as possible. I hope to hear about more freeway removals that re-engage the communities that were destroyed. I want to see the charter spread, and be reminded that the charter calls for the reversal of urban renewal, disnivestment, and segregation. I also want the CNU-A numbers to grow and for people to continue the charge to take back their communities, their homes, their streets and the like for a people scale.

I love you all, warts and all

For those of you with whom I’ve had the privilege to attend many congresses, as well as some of the other industry conferences, and have coffee and dinner with when you happen to come to Greensboro, none of this will be new to you. We all realize that sometimes our ideas can be over the top, that sometimes our methods don’t work. Other times, we feel like what we believe is so common sense, the numbers speak to it all, that we can’t believe no one believes us. Yes, we are the mainstream now, but we have a long way to go to make sure everyone feels welcome. Yet, we’ve made a good start and I think it’s somewhat unfair that we keep having to read the articles and the criticisms. But let’s just keep working hard. The good work will and is speaking for itself.

And tomorrow, what we did right in Buffalo.

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The Rest of CNU 22 Recap, powered by Storify

Judging debate with my CNU NextGen Colleauges in Buffalo, NY, June 6, 2014.
Judging debate with my CNU NextGen Colleagues in Buffalo, NY, June 6, 2014.


So let’s just say the remainder of CNU and my weekend was a whirlwind. But it was fun. And for those of you sick of me using the words CNU, be patient, I’ll be done by Thursday, and you’ll have that podcast I promised last week, On the Privilege of Travel, for your listening pleasure as well. You may see a CNU-themed video on Friday, but that’s all. Tomorrow I’ll answer both an open letter that brings up valid criticisms, as well as address the lingering diversity elephant (bison for Buffalo?) in the room. For now, click here for the Storify and we’ll see you bright and early tomorrow for our next post.

(In the meantime, check out North Carolina Placebook, for a brand-new explainer driven format).

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CNU 22 Thursday Recap, Powered by Storify


My second full day here in Buffalo was amazing. I really enjoyed the insights expressed in the morning plenary, especially by Harriet Tregoning, former DC Planning Director and working with HUD with their Sustainable Communities grants. Both presentations made it clear that millennials (i.e. the next generation) are here to stay and need to be enabled. Hold those thoughts.

At lunchtime, I split my time with the initiatives of the CNU Next Gen, from sounding off a bit on a North Carolina CNU on the Strong Towns Podcast taping and catching the tail end of the presentation of The Next American Urbanism, the first of the pieces coming from the Place Summit held in Louisville last fall and to which I was unable to attend, but contributed a chapter to our upcoming book.

After an afternoon conversation with Original Green‘s Steve Mouzon on writing and finding the right perspective on our work as placemakers, I took some time to check in on the efforts of those hoping to remove freeways built in error in our neighborhoods. I missed the Charter Awards due to a necessary nap. Yet, I was awake and ready for our NextGen event out at Silo City.

As we drove into the complex, I was amazed by how much major industrial activity was still active and working on the river fronts. Even though some say domestic manufacturing is dead, I beg to differ, especially with the sites of several active silos. That cereal smell? General Mills and their active silos. The one we spent time with has been transformed into a tactical urbanism space, complete with the requisite food trucks. We heard from a couple of other speakers, then the man of the hour Andres Duany.

I expected an esoteric design-focused talk, but instead, I got a pep talk. The talk itself, while rambly at parts, had at its core the need for both the older and younger generations to learn how to work together. With the economic crisis and its exposure to the mainstream of the evidence of devastating poverty, along with the recent natural disasters and the real estate bubble pop, the talk underscored the need to go back to a solid work ethic. I believe Andres was inspired by the setting of Buffalo, as much mention was made to the blue-collar ethos and to the uniqueness and creativity of the Silo City venue. At the end, I was hit by the idea of my generation having great organization, but needing to be more disciplined. I also appreciated the championing of my generation and our skills, but also the emphasis on the need for boomers and other older folks to mentor and gradually give over the keys such that no two parties were left out in the dust.

For more images, and commentary, check out the Storify link here.

See you around the conference center and tonight at the Pan American Grill at the Hotel Lafayette, for our NextGen Pecha Kucha and Debate, along with the New Urbanism Film Festival.

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CNU 22 Wednesday Recap Powered by Storify


Good evening from Buffalo! I hope everyone has had a wonderful first day of the Congress. I spent most of my day writing, picking up my badge, running into old friends and I monitored the backchannel of the opening plenary from the Lobby Bar at the Statler while having a great discussion on places and community with fellow Southern urbanists. Many thanks to Storify,  for giving me a great read of other people’s days. Check out some of my favorites here. Have fun and be safe tonight; see you bright and early tomorrow for another day of CNU.

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So We Made It to CNU22…

Good morning folks. After a half day of work, I began to embark on my adventure of traveling to Buffalo for CNU22. Here’s how I bid farewell to Greensboro.


And a stop with my brother/cousin at the airport Natty Greenes, which is only really one of the house microbrews and the standard airport bar/grill menu. But they do have a nice pic of the old Greensboro namesake himself.


Making sure the  flight is on time. We were psyched out earlier by a flight going to Buffalo that appeared to be directly from Greensboro. Unfortunately it was a service plane that was legally required to post on the departure board.




…it was off to Detroit for the first leg of the flight. I walked through the colored tunnel between terminals, and then realized I was right at my gate. This unfortunately meant that there was no ride on the airport train.


I also decided against a novelty trip to the nearby Spanx store. After charging electronics and witnessing a robin flying through the terminal rafters (no pictures, it was flying too fast), I got seated on my plane next to this and a nice tour guide from Germany. (He sat at the window).


Upon arriving in Buffalo, I was greeted by this sign.


And reminded that there are two Queen Cities in America. (Charlotte beg to differ).


So now that the travel is done (thanks also to the Lyft driver Kris who was very willing to chat me up about Olmsted designing the city and even getting rid of the waterfront freeway on the way downtown), let’s talk about activities at today’s CNU. Here’s a link to the complete schedule today:

I will be attending and live tweeting the opening plenary session with Ken Greenburg, then immediately following, joining my colleagues in NextGen for our annual pub crawl. Otherwise, I’m looking forward to exploring a few of the touristy things here in the city and of course taking pictures along the way.

Depending on the conditions and the behavior of my phone, you may see things here first or Twitter or Instagram. Follow me @blackurbanist regardless, to make sure you stay in the know.

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First+Main Media, the Videographers of New Urbanism

One of the best ways to get a taste of what the CNU is like is to watch one of the many videos produced at congresses over the years produced by First+Main Media. I first came in contact with their work when I watched their first episode of American Makeover TV, Sprawlanta. This was back in an era when I’d rather read all my web content than watch it, and it grabbed me in not only as a stellar web video, but a great example of the power of great community building.

I’ve had the pleasure to appear in two of their new urbanism/CNU related videos, these gems done in honor of CNU’s 20th anniversary.

This one’s on Confessions:

And this other is on Dreams:

I missed out on CNU 21 last year, but was psyched to see so many folks excited on this video for this upcoming one.

And finally, an announcement, the New Urbanism Film Festival be showing several films from these guys, along with other great movies on great places on Friday night, starting at  7 p.m. at the Pan American Brewery at the Hotel Lafayette, as part of the NextGen activities. If you are in town, feel free to stop by. And additionally, if you live in Buffalo, you might have seen this gem.

(It’s safe, go ahead and click through to Vimeo)

Co-founder John Paget is a Buffalonian and I’m sure is very excited to have a Congress highlighting his hometown.

Anyway, that’s all folks for this week. Click on the CNU22 tag to keep up with all of our coverage of next week’s CNU22 in Buffalo. We’ll crank coverage back up on Monday with our books to read on the plane or train on the way to Buffalo.

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The Black Urbanist Radio Episode 2: CNU Preview and What’s Your Place? with Malcolm Kenton

Episode 2 CNU Preview and Malcolm Kenton

Going to CNU 22? What should you see? What is Kristen looking forward to? Learn the answers to both of those questions on this week’s episode. Plus, Kristen asks newly minted National Association of Railroad Passengers(NARP) Council Member Malcolm Kenton What’s Your [His] Place?

Show Notes

CNU 22 Official Conference Page

CNU Next Gen 11 Schedule.

What You Should See at CNU

What Kristen’s looking forward to seeing at CNU.

National Association of Railroad Passengers homepage.


Like What You Heard

CNU 22 Preview: What I Hope to See

TBU at CNU 22-What I Hope To See

Yesterday I told you what you should see at CNU 22. This is what I personally hope to see.

Vigorous NextGen Debate

I’ve just volunteered myself to either do a traditional PK like I did at 2012’s CNU or a debate, on a topic somewhat of my choosing, at our Friday night NextGen gathering. I have fond memories of my very first 2011 presentation and I hope to not only present, but learn from my colleagues as we discuss the issues of the day.

Restaurants that Stick With Me

Madison had Graze and it’s organic cheese curds, West Palm Beach had Greaseburger and its solid gourmet burgers. What restaurant will I eat the most of my meals at just because it’s got a great feel to it? Buffalo is quite famous for its wings, which I love. Who will lure me in because they have the very best set?

The Robert Stern Lecture

Considering how much I’ve read up on Celebration, FL, this was the big selling point for me coming to CNU this year. I’m also interested to see how a conversation on garden cities goes over in a room, where quite a few folks feel like they contribute to sprawl, versus add urbanism to sprawling areas.

The Next American Urbanism

I really hate that I wasn’t in Louisville to help get this effort cranked up. However, I have contributed a chapter to the manifesto that will be presented in part throughout the Congress.

How Black Culture and History Has Shaped Buffalo

Although the site’s title is just stating the obvious (I am black and an urbanist) am looking forward to eating soul food in a northern situation to see if it still stands up to how we eat down south. Maybe that restaurant will be my go-to spot. This link also features several other black history sites that I hope to check out on one of my self-guided tours.

Maybe Niagara Falls….


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CNU 22 Preview: What Not To Miss

TBU at CNU 22-What Not to Miss

As I’m sitting to write this, we are one week away from the activities of the Congress of New Urbanism 22 in Buffalo, NY. Activities begin with tours, and an opening night networking event and end up with one more closing networking event. As you can tell, a lot of this conference is networking and learning the place that has been chosen for the Congress. If you are expecting a conference, there’s plenty of that for you here too, especially if you really need to get professional credits. In the meantime check out my list of things you can’t miss:

Next Gen’s Full Slate of Activities

NextGen is the set of events and the fellowship that brought me into the fold of CNU in 2011 and through it I’ve gained so much knowledge and so many good friends. And for the record, NextGen is not just about age, but it’s all about ideas and spirit. If you are in the area or can get a ticket or get on the road, please come out and join us at any of these events. ALL OF THEM ARE FREE. You’ll even get to hear Andres Duany, the father of CNU, speak at one of the Thursday night events. In addition, I may either debate or present at Friday night’s Pecha Kucha/Debate night at the Lafayette Hotel.

Click here for a printable version of the schedule. These events are also on the main CNU 22 app.

A Tour

As I mentioned in the previous post, I plan on spending the times I’m not covering the presentations at the convention hall walking around Buffalo, recording stories and figuring out what makes it tick as a city. Isn’t that what this movement is about, making and enjoying the city?  If you’d like some assistance with your guided tour, there are several that will depart from the convention hall starting on Monday and going through Sunday. I may actually slip onto the Buffalo Briskly tour myself.

The Random Argument in the Hallway or After the Session

At the 2012 Congress I noticed that some of the “rockstars” of the movement/congress were not at the main sessions, but instead piled up around one of the exhibit booths having a very vigorous conversation. It looked intense and I walked away, even though I would have loved to jump in. Don’t do that. As Chuck Marohn (rockstar in his own right) has mentioned in his CNU Rules, don’t walk away from something that’s probably far more open and a bit more awesome than it appears on the outside. Plus, we are all people. Nerdy people, with a love of good places.

Open Source Congress

If you have a little less courage, but still a lot of spunk, the Open Source Congress is ready and waiting for you to announce your topic and have a group of eager people to talk about it. The best way to get people to come to your talk is to do it on the day of the open source kickoff. Don’t be the lone sucker (me) that puts together a sign and then has no one to talk about it with you on Saturday afternoon. Plus, I won’t be there this year on Saturday afternoon myself.

Art Room

Sharpen your skills by popping by one of these classes. I attended the photography one in 2012 and I wish I could do it again. I only remember how to avoid keystoning a building and that’s not nearly enough for good architectural photography.

The Plenaries and the Charter Awards

Because excellence is excellence. See who’s knocking it out of the park with their urban designs on Thursday at 5p.m. and throughout the conference get to know who the organizers have deemed so worthy to address the entire Congress.  After pouring through two books on Celebration,FL, I’m looking forward to hearing from Robert Stern at the Friday morning plenary.

The entire schedule, including all tours, 202 courses, and breakout sessions can be found here. Be sure to register with the site and you can create your own calendar of events, which you can then download onto your phone as both an Android and iPhone app.

Finally, don’t miss me! Follow me on Twitter to find out where I’m going throughout the Congress week.

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